Mei 7, 2019

Program Development Workshop for Food and Nutrition Resistance Filantropi Cluster

Broadly speaking there are five problems related to nutrition that are being discussed in Indonesia, they are wasting, stunting, overweight, obesity, and anemia in pregnant women. The reason of these problems is mostly from food availability, eating behavior, and lack of activity.

Mei 7, 2019

Rapat Umum Anggota Filantropi Indonesia 2018

Rapat Umum Anggota (RUA) pada tahun ini dilaksanakan 19 Februari 2019. Acara ini sebagai agenda khusus yang mempertemukan para anggota dengan pengurus Perhimpunan Filantropi Indonesia, berlangsung di Wisma Indocement.

Mei 7, 2019

Filantropi Indonesia Annual General Meeting 2018

Rapat Umum Anggota (Annual General Meeting) of Filantropi Indonesia this year was conducted on February, 19th 2019. This event is conducted as special agenda to bring together Filantropi Indonesia’s members with the board of the Indonesian Philanthropy Association.

Mei 7, 2019

[PHILANTHROPY LEARNING FORUM 21] – “Prospek Filantropi Sebagai Sumber Alternatif Pendanaan Kesehatan Di Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)

Potensi, peran, dan tantangan filantropi sebagai salah satu sumber pendanaan kesehatan menjadi bahasan utama dalam Philanthropy Learning Forum ke-22 dengan mengangkat topik “Prospek Filantropi Sebagai Sumber Alternatif Pendanaan Kesehatan Di Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN)” pada hari Kamis (28/3) di Jakarta.

Mei 7, 2019

[PHILANTHROPY LEARNING FORUM 21] – “Prospect of Philanthropy as an Alternative Source of Health Funding in the Age of National Health Insurance”

Philanthropy’s role, potential and challenge as one of the sources of funding in health became the main topic in the 22th Philanthropy Learning Forum. The main topic discussed was “Philanthropy’s Prospect as Alternative Funding for Health in the Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (National Health Insurance) Era” on Thursday, March 28th in Jakarta.

Mei 7, 2019

[PHILANTHROPY LEARNING FORUM 20] – “Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Pembayaran Digital untuk Kegiatan Filantropi”

Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2019 lalu, Filantropi Indonesia bekerja sama dengan GO-PAY telah menyelanggarakan Philanthropy Learning Forum yang ke-20 dengan mengangkat tema “Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Pembayaran Digital untuk Kegiatan Filantropi”.

Mei 7, 2019

[PHILANTHROPY LEARNING FORUM 20] – “Optimizing the Utilization of Digital Payments for Philanthropic Activities”

On February 14th 2019, Filantropi Indonesia has conducted the 20th Philanthropy Learning Forum with the theme “Optimizing the Utilization of Digital Payments for Philanthropic Activities”. The event is the result of collaboration between Filantropi Indonesia and GO-PAY.

Maret 11, 2019

[JOB VACANCY] Donor Relations Officer – UNICEF Indonesia

Are you ready to use your talents to make the world a better place for Children? If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world’s leading children’s rights organization would like to hear from you.

Januari 21, 2019

Acara Penghargaan SDG PIPE

Rangkaian acara SGD Pipe sudah mencapai akhirnya! Pada (05/12), bertepatan dengan Hari Relawan Internasional, diselenggarakan acara awarding event SDG PIPE di Jakarta Creative Hub

Januari 21, 2019

SDG PIPE Awarding Event

A series of SDG PIPE events has come to an end! On (12/05), coincided with International Volunteer Day, was conducted SDGH PIPE awarding event at Jakarta Creative Hub.