Filantropi Indonesia is a non-profit and independent organization established to advance Indonesia’s philanthropic sector to contribute to achieving social justice and sustainable development.
Filantropi Indonesia is a non-profit and independent organization established to advance Indonesia’s philanthropic sector to contribute to achieving social justice and sustainable development.
Individual, Organizational and Corporate Members
Partners & Network
Regular Program Participants
Join us to achieve social justice and sustainable development by advancing the philanthropy sector in Indonesia.
The center serves the function of the association as a center of information and knowledge on philanthropy in Indonesia.
Focuses on enhancing and updating the information and data on the philanthropy sector at the local, regional, national, and international level.
As a pillar alongside the business sector, philanthropy is expected to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement.
To boost public awareness and encourage policy change, PFI organizes campaigns with our members and promotes philanthropy best practices to the public.
Realizing the need for an information and coordination platform between philanthropic organizations who work in the field in response to COVID-19, Filantropi Indonesia together with its members and partners has built an online website that can be accessed by the public. This online platform generally contains data and the latest developments from philanthropic initiatives to help governments and communities in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
A structured partnership and collaboration platform for philanthropic actors to have a greater and wider impact on the sustainable development ecosystem in Indonesia.
Data and information on philanthropic organizations in Indonesia. This database illustrates the location and scope of work of philanthropic organizations throughout Indonesia, categorized based on the issues and focus of their work.
“Strategic philanthropy has the power to transform communities and create lasting impact.” This powerful message was echoed throughout the launch of the Indonesian edition of A Philanthropist’s Guide to Giving: …
“Strategic philanthropy can transform communities and create lasting impact.” That is the message from Asia Philanthropy Circle, Bakti Barito Foundation, and Filantropi Indonesia as they launch A Philanthropist’s Guide to …
In order to celebrate World Environment Day 2024, the Climate Change Philanthropy Cluster, Filantropi Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, Belantara Foundation, Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV), the Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center collaborated with the Ciliwung Muara Bersama community, and other stakeholders organized simultaneous tree planting in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. together with Filantropi Indonesia, a social institution that shares the same values and principles, initiated the Changemakers Gathering with the topic DO IT for DUIT: Strategies for Managing NGO Finances to increase understanding of the importance of financial sustainability for NGOs, organizations, and community. Through this initiative, with the principle “For A Better World,” it is hoped that participants can share knowledge, strengthen understanding, and build resources that are beneficial for all parties involved.
We are open for partnership and collaboration opportunities. Feel free to ask us a question, or give us suggestions and share your ideas.