
Join Us in Creating Sustainable Social Change

Established in 2007, the Indonesian Philanthropy Association is recognized as an independent organization focused on advancing the humanitarian or philanthropy sector to achieve social justice and the SDGs in Indonesia.

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Individual Members, Organizations, and Companies
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Partners and Network Connection
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Regular Program Participants
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Join Us in Creating Sustainable Social Change


Change built on a strong foundation will yield impressive results. As a results, our programs are designed to have a tangible impact on the environment and society. Together, we create sustainable change that supports social justice for future generations.

program pillar
Philanthropy Learning Center
Philanthropy Learning Center
Research, Publication & Policy Center
Research, Publication & Policy Center
SDG Collaboration Center
SDG Collaboration Center
Campaign and Communication Center
Campaign and Communication Center

PFI is here to contribute to various supporting elements of philanthropy development. Cross-sector programs are structured as a path toward sustainable balance in Indonesia.

Zakat on SDG’s
Zakat on SDG’s
Residential and City Development
Residential and City Development
Food Security & Nutrition
Food Security & Nutrition
Environmental Protection and Conservation
Environmental Protection and Conservation
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

Through our flagship programs, we are committed to creating real impact for the people of Indonesia. Each initiative is designed to address social, economic and environmental challenges with a collaborative and sustainable approach.

indonesia filantropi festival 2018
Philanthropy Outlook
Philanthropy Outlook
Filantropi Indonesia Festival
Filantropi Indonesia Festival

Center for Empowering Philanthropy Leaders

Our best programs to grow and strengthen the efforts of philanthropist, becoming part of the harmony and process of sustainable social change.

Philanthropy Directory

A comprehensive database of philanthropic organizations in Indonesia.

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Impact Platform

Collaboration and contributions for greater impact on the sustainable development ecosystem.

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Learning Center

Learn and grow together with care and change.

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Our Membership

Testimoni Para Anggota

Together with partners who entrust their philanthropic contributions to us, we have created significant changes for sustainable development.

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Be Part of the Change, Create Sustainable Impact


Latest Updates on Philanthropy News and Information

Find accurate and up-to-date information on philanthropic programs, activities and initiatives to participate in activities that drive sustainable change.

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Berita Anggota
National News
Berita Internasional
Media Release
Berita Sekretariat
Thumbnail Artikel 7
Dari Filantropi ke Transformasi: Bisakah Dukungan Ekonomi Mengakhiri Kemiskinan di Indonesia?
Thumbnail Artikel 6
Persebaran Program Filantropi di Indonesia, di Mana Saja Bisa Ditemukan?
Thumbnail Artikel 8
Pendidikan untuk Semua, Inisiatif Filantropi yang Mengubah Hidup
Embracing the Future of Philanthropy: Reflections on the Sustainable Program Workshop