[FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION] Filantropi Indonesia Environment and Conservation Cluster
Filantropi Indonesia Environment and Conservation Cluster conducted a Focus Group Discussion which was attended by 8 organization members of cluster. The activity was conducted on May 2nd 2019 at Kekini, Cikini, Central Jakarta. The agenda of discussion was to discuss and review the result of the last meeting, to formulate and agree on the priority issue of cluster, to formulate and agree on the one-year program, to formulate and agree on the communication mechanism and coordination for the cluster members as well as to discuss the follow up plan. The discussion was facilitated by Andi Pangeran as the program manager of Filantropi Indonesia
The initial goal to form this cluster was to provide information and knowledge sharing platform, capacity building platform, campaign platform, program collaboration/initiation, and platform for policy advocacy. On the previous meeting, it has been decided and agreed upon that TNC is appointed as the cluster coordinator for this year. On the previous meeting, the Charta for the cluster was also developed. As for the program, on the previous meeting, it has been decided that water sources issue would be the main issue advocated by The Environment and Conservation Cluster with management and recycling of waste, energy, food associated with conservation, and habitat conservation as the alternative issues.
For this meeting there were some insights and suggestions from the cluster members about the priority issue for example; KEHATI suggested that the discussion about water resources have to cover the landscape and ecosystem from downstream to the upstream, GREENERATION explained that their organization has one main issue related to waste and has established digital platform called bebassampah.id. GREENERATION suggested that the issue that would be carried out by the cluster can be harmonized with the program of the organization member. Dompet Dhuafa also expressed similar suggestion, that the issue should be aligned with each member program therefore this cluster can strengthen cohesiveness among members, everyone can be involved, and the program would be able to trend in the environment issue. Meanwhile BAZNAS also expressed that the priory issue should be the most realistic to be implemented in the remaining time. Belantara Foundation suggested that communication strategy for the campaign also should be considered. As for Yayasan Budha Tzu Chi, they suggested that the program could start from environmental issue in urban area.
From this discussion, the members agreed on the activity plan for Filantropi Indonesia Environment and Conservation Cluster this year, such as;
- Strengthen the communication strategy
For the communication strategy, the members agreed that they would be more active on whatsapp group. Moreover, there will be coordination meeting once a month as platform for the members to share with each other. The event will be called “Conservation Talk” For each event, there will be two members appointed as the speaker but also invite expert. The members also will take turns to provide a place for the talk.
- Join campaign for the Cluster. The members agreed on doing a join campaign for a specific issue also for the national/international celebration day related to environment and conservation.
- Be able to run a philanthropy learning forum program by campaigning an environmental issue
- For the research, it will be done after several session of meeting to decide the issue that will be carried out
So, the conclusion and the follow up plan after this meeting are;
- Strengthening the internal communication between members, especially in whatsapp group
- This Ramadhan, there will be a collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa in a form of Philanthropy Learning Forum with the theme, Green Ramadhan Kareem, the issue that will be brought up is food waste during Ramadhan, in this event the members also agreed to host a launching event as well as Charta signing.
- The first Conservation Talk will be on June, 19th at TNC. The speaker will be from TNC and KEHATI.
- The members have a chance to propose a capacity building to Filantropi Indonesia if needed.