Juni 13, 2019
The 23rd Philanthropy Learning Forum: The Impact of Art in Society
"We still see art with western glasses where culture is only limited to inheritance and detached from everyday life. Indonesia should look at culture differently, because our culture is actually carried out in daily life ". that's an excerpt from a message sent by the Director General of Culture. Therefore, through the Philanthropy Learning Forum, we hope that input or ideas can be found on how to increase public awareness to be more concerned about cultural arts. The Philanthropy Learning Forum with the theme "The Impact of Art in Society" was held in collaboration with Filantropi Indonesia and Filantropi Indonesia Art and Culture Cluster. The event was held at the Indonesian Communal Room (RUKI) at Facebook One Pacific Place 11, Jakarta. Ms. Linda as the representative of Koalisi Seni opened the event by conveying that the purpose of this learning forum was to encourage more philanthropists to pay attention to art and culture in Indonesia.
The event continued with a discussion led by Ms. Budhita as the facilitator. In this discussion the Philanthropy Learning Forum participants were given the opportunity to share about the work programs of each organization and what they did regarding the preservation of arts and culture in Indonesia. In the discussion, Gita Hastarika from Kelola Foundation said that the artwork was never free of value and sterile; there is always a message to be conveyed and closely related to the SDGs framework. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no word of art / culture at all within the framework of the SDGs. After the discussion, PLF was followed by a Fish Bowl session where participants from each organization answered and discussed the answers to the questions given by the facilitator. Among the question questions given are their experiences of how art can create a positive impact on society and what can be done to support art. From these questions came answers from representatives of every organization such as Ms. Linda from the Koalisi Seni who said that the impact of art on society is to be able to enrich people's understanding to see from the various point of view, that there is a diversity of perspectives and truth is not a single thing. This is in a context so that people are not easily consumed by hoaxes. Gita from Kelola Foundation also shared her experiences on how to discuss certain topics, everyone often feels the most right and finally the dialogue cannot occur. There is a Festival in Maros that starts with dancing together. Therefore, when talking is no longer productive, art can be the bridge. Participants also shared how they could contribute to art through their respective work programs.
Ms Budhi concluded that no art was introduced from the outside; everything starts from what already exists and then gives space so that art can develop. Our society must support art because art is important even though it is still rarely discussed. Through this PLF, we started a conversation about art so that art can survive and thrive. At the end of the discussion, participants gave suggestion for Filantropi Indonesia Art and Culture Cluster including; Longer duration of discussion with proposed themes such as the World of Cultural Arts Funding, Indonesian Philanthropy Landscape, Fashion Sustainable Movement, or Building Financial Independence and Fundraising for the Art Community.