Februari 28, 2017

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Protection and Welfare for Philanthropy Workers and Volunteers

The report of the 14th PLF, where FI collaborated with the Employee Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) to discuss about how the government, private sector, and nonprofit organizations can come together to build a protection system for workers and volunteers in social and development field.

Februari 28, 2017

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Perlindungan dan Kesejahteraan Bagi Pegiat Filantropi dan Volunter

Laporan pelaksanaan PLF ke-14, di mana FI bekerja sama dengan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan untuk mengulas bagaimana negara, sektor swasta, dan organisasi sosial dapat bekerja sama untuk membangun sistem perlindungan pekerja dan relawan di bidang sosial dan pembangunan

Februari 14, 2017

New Models for Financing Vaccination Programs in Southeast Asia Post-Lab Working Group Session

Event report of a meeting organized by Milken Institute, hosted by Indonesia Philanthropy Association to discuss innovative models to finance vaccination programs in Indonesia

Februari 14, 2017

Model Pendanaan Baru Program Vaksinasi di Asia Tenggara – Post-Lab Working Group Session

Laporan kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Milken Institute di Filantropi Indonesia terkait inovasi model pendanaan program vaksinasi di Indonesia