GRI Sustainability Reporting Training
The government has established four platforms in the implementation of the TPB / SDGs, including: Government and Parliament; Academics and Experts; Community and Media Social Institutions; and Philanthropy and Business. The role of the Philanthropy and Business sector to contribute to the achievement of the TPB / SDGs is quite calculated because this sector is seen as having opportunities and resources (such as financing and access to corporate networks) that can support programs to achieve TPB / SDGs. Every activity they have carried out related to the implementation of SDGs must be documented effectively and comprehensively through a reporting mechanism that can be implemented in a sustainable manner.
Sustainability report is a report issued by an institution, both the Philanthropy and business sectors, regarding the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by the institution's daily activities, accompanied by commitments and action plans from the institution to reduce these impacts.
As an association of philanthropic institutions in Indonesia, Filantropi Indonesia has formed a collaboration platform for its members who share the interests of the program. Up to 2019, six clusters have been formed, namely the Filantropi Indonesia Settlement and Urban Philanthropy Clusters, Filantropi Indonesia Zakat Clusters for SDGs (Zakat on SDGs), Filantropi Indonesia Food and Nutrition Resilience Cluster, Filantropi Indonesia Educational Cluster, Filantropi Indonesia Environmental and Conservation Clusters, Filantropi Indonesia Art and Culture Cluster. Each Filantropi cluster has a coordinator who is responsible for organizing the cluster.
Filantropi Indonesia and the Global Report Initiative (GRI) recognize that many philanthropic institutions including cluster members are still less aware of the importance of sustainability reporting. It must be realized that sustainability report can also be used to measure its contribution in achieving TPB / SDGs.
GRI is a pioneer of sustainability reporting. In addition, GRI also provides space for users to be able to add the classifications they want to report. GRI has a reporting standard based on economic, environmental and social aspects. In addition, GRI also uses diverse approaches both in stakeholder aspects and their application in network-related practices. The GRI network has spread in various countries and is utilized by various sectors.
The partnership built between Filantropi Indonesia (FI) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is in order to implement the Corporate Sustainability and Reporting for Competitive Business (CSRCB) program. The aim of this program is to contribute to the process of integrating the Philanthropy and Business sectors into the Global Value Chains (GVCs) / Value Chain through continuous reports. In addition, it is expected that with this platform the philanthropic sector can measure the performance and impact of the TPB / SDGs implementation program that has been implemented.
On June 26th -27th, Filantropi Indonesia and GRI have successfully held GRI training activities which were attended by 35 participants. For 3 days, Ms. Lany as GRI's Country Program Manager and Mr. Hendrik facilitated the participants by giving an explanation of what GRI was and its purpose, GRI's implementation and depiction in the program and also identifying GRI standard indicators that were in accordance with the values or program objectives in their respective organizations.
After the training, the follow-up for each participant was to try to make a training with the GRI standard. Participants can still get continued assistance from Filantropi Indonesia and GRI. Organizations can also apply for continued training if they feel they need further training in their respective organizations.