Mei 7, 2019
[PHILANTHROPY LEARNING FORUM 21] – “Prospect of Philanthropy as an Alternative Source of Health Funding in the Age of National Health Insurance”
Philanthropy’s role, potential and challenge as one of the sources of funding in health became the main topic in the 22th Philanthropy Learning Forum. The main topic discussed was “Philanthropy’s Prospect as Alternative Funding for Health in the Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (National Health Insurance) Era” on Thursday, March 28th in Jakarta. The event was held by Filantropi Indonesia in collaboration with Filantropi Kesehatan FK UGM (Philanthropy in Health, Health Faculty, Gadjah Mada Univesity) and TAHIJA Foundation. DoctorSHARE as well as Rumah Sehat Terpadu Hospital and Dompet Dhuafa also shared their best practice and description of how philanthropy funds health issue.
The role of philanthropy cannot be ignored. As the research that has been done by Filantropi Kesehatan FK UGM, explained by Prof. Dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc., PhD., funding for health care in Indonesia in colonial period until the new order dominated by the government and charity. However, along with the reformation and decentralization, the funding decreased. Even now in the era of JKN, the challenge is still one of the biggest problems in health issue. Philanthropy can be of help with the involvement of the general public however we also need to change their mindset about philanthropy. Next, crowdfunding system development can be a solution to run a philanthropy program so that it can be a support from non-profit hospital (public or private) Filantropi Kesehatan FK UGM is developing a crowdfunding software through website aims to simplify crowdfunding to fulfill the health services in non profit hospital and to provide choice as well as transparency for the prospect donor. The crowdfunding that are submitted can be intended for the patient or the hospital itself.
Nowadays, we can find a lot of institution or community that has a lot of competent and interest in the issue that hasn’t been resolved completely by the government. As explained by Dr. Muhamad Zakaria, Director of Rumah Sehat Terpadu Dompet Dhuafa Hospital, they grant access to health services that are optimal and decent for free for the dhuafa. This Health Center Service is called Layanan Kesehatan Cuma Cuma Dompet Dhuafa (Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Service) which gives a health service on a basic level. In its development, LKC-DD have to attend to a specific patient who needs services such as hospitalization and operation. Therefore, the existing health service already feels inadequate. Moreover, Dompet Dhuafa through Rumah Sakit Terpadu foundation build a health center service for a reference level which will give health services for reference level in a hospital.
Risa Praptono from DoctorSHARE (Dokter Peduli Foundation) who focuses on Health Services and Humanitarian Aid also explained similar experience. The foundation which founded on Nobvember 19th 2009 provide access to medical assistance in a holistic, independent, and impartial manner for the people who need it most, namely those who are considered poor and unable, and who do not have poor cards due to population administration problems, therefore do not have health assurance and cannot have access to a free health care provided by the government. This is also included those who are socially excluded from health services and excluded from society, those caught in natural disasters, epidemics and malnutrition. DoctorSHARE is open to those who are moved to share their professionalism to support the vision and mission of doctorSHARE to restore the society in health sector.
Hopefully this discussion will be able to rebuild philanthropy activities in health sector which of course will need all the support from foundation or organization in health sector.