Agustus 2, 2018
The launch of Fikih Zakat on SDGs
Ever since Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been launched, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) and Filantropi Indonesia (FI) had the initiative and commitment to involve zakat for the achievement on SDGs. After a series of discussion and almost two years of research to seek clarity on the basis of religious law and related Fikih of SDGs, the result of the whole process is released in a form of a book. On Monday, July 30th 2018, Fikih Zakat on SDGs book has launched, which becomes the contextual expansion of Fikih zakat as it must be adapted to the times.
“I highly appreciate BAZNAS who has coordinated zakat nationally, we hope that zakat practices in Indonesia could set an example for other countries. UN now has recognized the importance of religious funds as an implementation funds on SDGs”, said Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning, in his speech.
Similar things were also delivered by Erna Witoelar as co-chair advisory board of Filantropi Indonesia who stated that zakat in Indonesia has evolved. “Finally, today we have successfully launched the Fikih Zakat on SDGs book, this is our (FI and BAZNAS) commitment from what we have started before. Zakat is one of the resources in Islam Philanthropy, which is growing rapidly both in quantity and quality, as religious funds that is increasing for long-term empowerment. This progress can’t be separated from the role of Baznas and Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ)”, she stated.
Fikih Zakat on SDGs book is written and compiled by academics from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, with Muhammad Maksum as the lead author of the team. They have elaborated in the book that SDGs on one hand is equal with other Fikih, the difference is how the dynamics between Fikih and zakat can be realized. Fikih is based on the reality of Quranic thoughts meanwhile SDGs is based on human thoughts. Scholars have agreed that the purpose of religion is to eliminate difficulties and seek or find goodness. If all the seventeen goals of SDGs are sorted, then they are all would be in the same position since their purpose is for goodness. Therefore, Fikih and SDGs has the same purposes. The SDGs goals are also aligned with Shari ‘a. It can be seen in the book that each of purposes/goals of SDGs will have the explanation from verses and scholar’s view.
This book still needs some more in-depth reviews such as the explanation of the rules of whether zakat recipients can be developed. Given that zakat is different from sedekah and infaq. the recipient of zakat is exclusive for Muslim, whereas SDGs is universal. However, the fikih zakat reviews will always develop. Zakat is no longer just a theological scope, but it can also support economic development. Therefore, the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is needed to strengthen the legality of Fikih zakat for SDGs.
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