Mei 23, 2018
Kota SDGs Bengkulu Collaboration Coordination Meeting
To finalize the collaboration program “Kota SDGs” (SDGs City) in Bengkulu, on May 14th 2018 we conducted a continuation coordination meeting with some institutions which has committed to support the Kota SDGs program. The meeting which conducted in Baznas office (Badan Amil Zakat Nasioanal) in Bengkulu were attended by Filantropi Indonesia, Baznas Pusat, Baznaz Bengkulu, Kotaku, PKPU (Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat), SDGs Center Bengkulu University, and Economy and Business Faculty in IAIN Bengkulu. The meeting aimed to review several previously achieved agreement in collaboration of the development “Kota SDGs” in Bengkulu.
Kota SDGs is a cross-sector partnership program formed to resolve poverty and slums area problem in Bengkulu in order to achieve SDGs goals, particularly goal 11: sustainable city and habitation. For the early stage or the pilot project, the program will be implemented and focused on the poor and slums area in Bengkulu, which is in Sumber Jaya district. The program is driven by and involved a collaboration of 4 pillars in SDGs, which is the government/local government, Philanthropy and business, Academics/expert, CSOs, and media.
The Kota SDGs program were planned and driven by with reference to SDGs principals; Universal, integration, and participative (no one left behind). The program is also planned, monitored and evaluated in reference to the goals, target, and indicators of SDGs as well as pay attention to Rencana Aksi Daerah (Regional Action Plan) SDGs in the city and province of Bengkulu. The collaboration is expected to be implemented for 3 to 5 years.
In the meeting, we agreed on several important points for the Kota SDGs program preparation in Bengkulu. The participants agreed to look for new approaches in the program development in hope to give more impact in solving the poverty and slum areas problem. In the meeting the participants have also agreed to involve women and children which are considered to be the effective agent of change in behavior changes and to motivate people to do better. The involvement of education institutes, either formal or informal will also be put forward considering its significant role in changing the behavior of people to live clean and healthy.
Here’s the action plan for Kota SDGs program for the next 3 years;
1. Identify the need and intervention of the program (June 4th 2018) PJ Kotaku
2. Decide the program/intervention in each partner (June 4th – 11th 2018)
– Identify other donor partners (CSR Forum, Company, BI etc) (June – September 2018)
– communication, coordination with local government in Bengkulu (PJ Kotaku) (May 14th – July 2018)
3. Raising support and additional partners (the activity is public expost) July- August 2018
4. Program launching (August 2018) presenting BAPPENAS and related ministry
5. Implementation program (September 2018 – September 2021)
– Capacity building
– etc.
6. Coordination meeting (once in 4 months/quarterly
7. Program monitoring and evaluation (constantly)
For more information about Collaboration on SDGs Filantropi Indonesia, keep in touch with Filantropi Indonesia through Email