Oktober 8, 2016
[Event] PFI Facilitates KEFM
The involvement of mass media in managing social donations is one unique factor in Indonesian philanthropy. Media is not only engaged in highlighting an issue or promoting a social program, it is also actively involved in the collection and distribution of donations. Over time, the role of media has become a contentious issue within society in terms of transparency and accountability in the work of collection, management and distribution of donations, especially to natural disaster-affected areas. To overcome this problem, PFI and PIRAC initiated the creation of a Code of Ethics of Mass Media Philanthropy (KEFM). This code of ethic contains some principles and rules for the media to abide by, in relation to the collection, management and distribution of donor’s money. One requirement, for example, is that donation collection must be done in the principles of openness, and must be voluntary, ethical, non-partisan, and according to the prevailing law.
The code of ethic was prepared by a team formed by the Press Council and PFI. The team included representatives from print media, television, radio, and internet media. The work was done with referencing the experience of mass media in managing social donations, best practice, and cases experienced in the field. It also referred to various regulations and code of ethics pertaining to mass media and social donation management. The draft was then disseminated and socialized to the public and stakeholders for their feedback before it was finalized and legalized.
KEFMM was certified by Director of Press Council, Prof. Dr. Bagir Manan, SH, which took place at Press Council building on Tuesday, 29 January 2013. The official certification and launching of the code of ethics was attended by the editorial board, donation managers from mass media organisations, and affiliates of mass media. The code of ethic shall be used as a general guideline, reference, and a tool of education for donation managers employed in mass media. In addition, the code of ethic also functions as an internal regulation inferring responsibility to the media organisation who undertakes the philanthropic activities.
KEFMM was then socialized to all press medias and the public. Commencement of socialization was done on National Press Day at Grand Kawanua, Manado, on Saturday 9th February 2013. The code of ethics has also been socialized in other cities in Jakarta, namely Yogya, Surabaya, Medan, and Banjarmasin during a period spanning February to May 2013. Socialization was carried out in partnership with the Press Council and local universities. Socialization materials were also spread among media circles, such as the Kompas Group, the Media Group, SCTV, Metro TV, RCTI, and the Trans Group. The next step of KEFM activity is to support the formation of a Mass Media Philanthropy Organization that will not only be facilitated by PFI, but also guided, supported, and supervised, in order to ensure the correct implementation of the code of ethics.