Desember 11, 2018

[Philanthropy Learning Forum Goes to Campus] Meningkatkan Semangat Filantropi pada Generasi Millennial

Philanthropy Learning Forum Goes to Campus merupakan acara kunjungan ke beberapa universitas yang ditujukan untuk mengenalkan filantropi kepada anak muda agar terlibat dan mengembangkan kegiatan filantropi yang diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam inovasi kegiatan.

Desember 11, 2018

[Philanthropy Learning Forum Goes to Campus] Enhancing the Spirit of Philanthropy in Millennial Generation

Philanthropy Learning Forum Goes to Campus is a visitation program to several universities that are chosen by Filantropi. The goal of the event is to introduce philanthropy to young people so that they can be involved and help to develop the philanthropy sector which then can be implemented in their innovative activities.

Desember 11, 2018

[Focus Group Discussion] Klaster Lingkungan Hidup dan Konservasi

Filantropi Indonesia mengadakan Forum Group Discussion (FGD) dengan beberapa lembaga filantropi yang berfokus kepada isu lingkungan dan konservasi seperti The Nature Conservancy (TNC), KEHATI, Belantara, Greenation, Yayasan Budha Tzu Chi, Badan Amil Zakat (Baznas), dan Dompet Dhuafa.

Desember 11, 2018

[Focus Group Discussion] Living Environment and Conservation Cluster

Filantropi Indonesia conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with several philanthropy institutions which focuses on environment and conservation issues such as The Nature Conservancy (TNC), KEHATI, Belantara, Greenation, Yayasan Budha Tzu Chi, Badan Amil Zakat (Baznas), and Domet Dhuafa.

September 7, 2018

[Focus Group Discussion] Filantropi Food Security and Nutrition Cluster

Filantropi Indonesia has committed to contribute in reducing social problems through the establishment of Filantropi cluster. In 2018, there has been several clusters established and all of them are the result of collaboration between Filantropi and its member, partner, and network

September 7, 2018

[Focus Group Discussion] Klaster Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi

Filantropi Indonesia telah berkomitmen untuk berkontribusi dalam mengurangi permasalahan sosial di masyarakat melalui pembentukan klaster filantropi. Pada tahun 2018 ini telah terdapat beberapa klaster yang terbentuk. Semua klaster tersebut merupakan hasil kolaborasi Filantropi Indonesia dengan anggota, mitra, dan jaringannya.

Agustus 29, 2018

Peluncuran Platform Filantropi dan Bisnis untuk SDGs (FBI4SDGs)

FBI4SDGs adalah wadah yang mempertemukan beberapa perusahaan dalam upaya mendukung program-program sosial pemerintah, seperti pengentasan kemiskinan, pembinaan dan pemberdayaan tenaga kerja, hingga program bantuan Pendidikan.

Agustus 29, 2018

The launch of Philanthropy and Business for SDGs (FBI4SDGs) Platform

FBI4SDGs is a platform where several corporations converged in an effort to support the government’s social programs, such as alleviation of poverty, coaching and empowerment for work force, and education assistance program.

Agustus 2, 2018

The launch of Fikih Zakat on SDGs

On Monday, July 30th 2018, Fikih Zakat on SDGs book has launched, which becomes the contextual expansion of Fikih zakat as it must be adapted to the times.