Oktober 14, 2016
[Press Release] Indonesia Philanthropy Festival 2016 Showcased Progress of Philanthropy in Indonesia
Various strategic and innovative philanthropy programs were on showcase at the Indonesia Philanthropy Festival (IPFest 2016). The Indonesia Philanthropy Association organized the exhibition and forum to provide information to the general public about the diversity and advancement of philanthropy. The Festival which was held from October 6th to 9th, 2016 in Cendrawasih Hall at the Jakarta Convention Centre, also described the role and contribution of philanthropy in Indonesia in achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). There were national and global philanthropy institutions and delegations from China, the United States, the Philippines and Singapore present to share their experiences and to take advantage of the networking opportunities. IPFest 2016 was opened by the Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, on Thursday morning and was attended by several ministers, state commissions, officials and philanthropy and non-profit activists.
The Festival was held during a time of rapid development of philanthropy in Indonesia. Charity and the act of helping others are increasing in our communities. Hundreds of philanthropic foundations have been established, ranging from family foundations, corporate foundations, faith-based foundations to independent/intermediary organizations. The potential for community contributions also continues to increase and now amounts to trillions of rupiah per year. As an illustration, corporate social responsibility contributions reached IDR 12.45 trillion in 2015. The potential contribution of Zakat in the same year also reached an estimated IDR 213 trillion, however there was only 1.2 percent (approx. 2.6 trillion) of the possible total raised. These observations seem to confirm the Forbes (2016) finding that Indonesians are the 2nd most generous people in the world.
Besides religious teachings and firmly rooted local traditions, the rapid development of philanthropy is also driven by high economic growth. Indonesia is one of the countries with the fastest growing population of the super-rich (also called High Net Worth Individuals) in Asia. A Wealth insight report shows that the HNWI population in Indonesia holds a combined wealth of approximately USD 241 billion. The rapid growth of HNWIs has also encouraged many wealthy families in Indonesia to establish family foundations or corporate foundations in recent years.
Philanthropy development in Indonesia is also characterized by an increased role and involvement of the younger generation. Many of them set up foundations or community-based organizations in order to develop social programs related to their individual interests or concerns. Others became advocates, volunteers and donors in different social organizations. Youth involvement is changing the map and pattern of philanthropy in Indonesia. The influx of youth involvement in philanthropy has also seen the development of new methods of donating and raising donations outside of traditional means. In addition to the utilization of information technology, one of the prominent features of millennial philanthropy is the creation of communities which act as supporters and drivers of initiatives and ideas.
The theme of IPFest 2016 was "Partnership for fostering SDGs". SDGs are a set of universal goals, each with its own targets and indicators related to the global development agenda which are to be used in the framing of national development plans in countries around the world for the next 15 years. The achievement of the SDGs will rely on inclusive global partnerships with active involvement of governments, civil society, the private sector, philanthropic institutions, academics and UN agencies. To enhance the role and involvement of philanthropy in achieving the SDGs, several global foundations along with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the SDG Philanthropy Platform. The platform aims to facilitate dialogues and international collaborations between philanthropy organizations, which began in the pilot countries of Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, and Colombia. The main partner of SDG Philanthropy Platform in Indonesia is Indonesia Philanthropy Association (Filantropi Indonesia).
The Festival consisted of two main showcases: exhibitions and forums. The exhibition showcased the diversity of philanthropy organizations, including their programs, associated with the 17 goals of SDGs. While the forums allowed for in-depth discussions of various aspects of philanthropy program and institutions. The sessions were divided into plenary, parallel and classroom/skill share formats. The festival also held a partnership forum that facilitated the meeting and collaboration of philanthropy organizations with young social innovators.
Indonesia Philanthropy Association also invited young philanthropists to introduce and showcase their initiatives and social actions, in an area called the Millennial Philanthropy Gallery. The gallery was located in the main lobby of Cendrawasih Hall, and the goal was to educate as well as to change the existing perception that philanthropy is synonymous solely with the charity acts of wealthy older people.
At the inauguration of the Festival, Filantropi Indonesia made a commitment by signing MOUs of cooperation with three government agencies. First, the MOU with BEKRAF pledging philanthropic support for the development and strengthening of the creative economy in Indonesia. Second, the MOU with BAZNAS or Badan Amil Zakat (Islamic national zakat agency) to help encourage and facilitate the utilization of Zakat in achieving SDGs in Indonesia. Third, the MOU with BPJS Employment (a social security employment program) to facilitate the provision of occupational accident and protection systems, and pension benefits for non-profit organization employees and volunteers. These promises to cooperate with integral bodies are intended to encourage real philanthropic progress in Indonesia while strengthening the role and contribution of philanthropy to other sectors.
In addition to continuing the development and advancement of philanthropy in Indonesia, this event also aims to increase the capacity of philanthropy organizations, as well as to advertise the latest developments of philanthropy in Indonesia and abroad. IPFest is also hoped to become a first-call strategic forum for philanthropy actors and non-profit organizations to share experiences, increase capacity, expand networks and develop partnerships with other national and global philanthropy organizations.