Initial Meeting on the Establishment of the Health Philanthropy Cluster: The Active Role of Philanthropy for Health Development in Indonesia
The overall achievement of SDGs including health requires huge resources. Considering that for the health sector, each year the government only allocates 5 percent of the APBN, alternative resources for national health development are needed, one of which is building partnerships must be an important point. On this basis, Indonesian Philanthropy Association together with Health Philanthropy from the Center for Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University (FKKMK UGM) initiated the activity "Initial Meeting of the Establishment of Health Philanthropy Clusters: The Active Role of Philanthropy for Health Development in Indonesia" on August 26, 2019, as one of the explorations and introductions of the Health Philanthropy Cluster.
The agenda of activities include the presentation of research results from Health Philanthropy, mapping of cluster needs based on the experience and interests of each participant who has a work program related to health and discussion of philanthropic strategies in the health sector. Presentation of the presentation by Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc, Ph.D. as Director of Health Policy and Management, FKKMK UGM, said based on Health Philanthropy research that had been conducted until 2017, that there were a number of problems with hospital payments, due to BPJS cash flow that was not paid. "Health funding can come from philanthropy so that it can directly help patients and reduce hospital investment costs as a complement to BPJS and government funds," said Prof. Laksono Sources of philanthropic funding from the community are also implemented in crowdfunding activities, which have been developed in Indonesia by several institutions.
Followed by mapping the needs of the Health Philanthropy Cluster from Indonesian Philanthropy member institutions present at the time, such as Rumah Zakat, GPDLI, Yayasan Cipta, BAZNAS, Dompet Dhuafa, LAZ Harfa Banten, Peduli Sehat, STF UIN Jakarta, NU Care, and LAZISMU. The category of mapping needs is identified and as knowledge sharing between organizations in the fields of Capacity Building, Knowledge Management and Advocacy. Each institution is asked to provide their interests and abilities so they can share and even become examples of learning.
Then, the strategy discussion carried out in encouraging collaboration between philanthropic institutions was also discussed by Prof. Laksono through the development of a special philanthropic health software website, He hopes that Indonesian health philanthropy can be like the Association for Health Philanthropy.