Urban Philanthropy Cluster (FKP) is in the process of forming, striving for gathering actors and stakeholders who have been working for the achievement of SDGs and the New Urban Agenda, as well as identifying and connecting existing initiatives
Simak berita lengkap dan program dari anggota terbaru Filantropi Indonesia, Water.org
PLF on SDGs dengan tema “SDGs Sebagai Tools Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Pengembangan Kemitraan” kembali hadir kali ini bekerja sama dengan Yayasan baKTI diselenggarakan di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Building on the success of our inaugural Impact Conference, TBN Asia will host this year’s summit in Jakarta, Indonesia. You will meet the the leading impact investors, academics, advisors and entrepreneurs in the region.
PLF on SDGs dimulai di Banjarmasin di mana para peserta dan narasumber dari sektor filantropi dan bisnis, pemerintah serta akademisi saling bertukar pikiran mengenai penerapan SDGs di area masing-masing
PLF on SDGs started off in Banjarmasin where participants and speakers from the philanthropy and business, government and academia discussed ideas on the implementation of SDGs in their respective areas