Promoting a Viable and Sustainable Mangrove Restiration Program
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Promoting a Viable and Sustainable Mangrove Restiration Program

Tanggal Publikasi : 17 Desember 2024

Sumber : Perhimpunan Filantropi Indonesia

Jenis Dokumen : Lembar Fakta, Ringkasan Kebijakan & Infografis

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Mangroves are among the most critical ecosystems on the planet. Considering the multiple values of mangroves, businesses’ participation in their restoration has high value for ESG proposition beyond CSR. The future carbon market regulation provides opportunities for first movers to gain benefits from the high-quality
blue carbon credit from the restoration.

KADIN and Filantropi Indonesia encourage their members to participate in the development of strategy and on the implementation of restoration activities, as well as the development of the carbon economy to incentivize and attract private sector’s and philanthropies’ participation to build up case studies and lessons learned for effective and sustainable mangrove restoration program.

In this policy brief, find more about the challenges, opportunities, and recommendations on how important to invest in Mangrove Restoration—published on September 2022.

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