Repository Details

Uncovering the Potential of Philanthropy

Publication Date : 24 November 2020

Source : Indonesian Philanthropy Association

Document Type : Guidelines

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Unlocking the potential of philanthropy - What funders can do to build a strong philanthropy support ecosystem

This guide is for all funders who want to understand how they can contribute to unlocking the potential of philanthropy to build more resilient, sustainable and democratic societies.

This is what the philanthropic ecosystem, also called philanthropic infrastructure, supports. It's about developing and leveraging private resources for social good, building civil society and democracy, and helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is the core mission of all visionary funders who want to increase the impact and sustainability of their work.

The WINGS network has developed this guide for funders who want to engage in a collective discussion about why it is important and strategic for all funders to engage. Why? Because this is our expertise and an urgent need.

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