A Look Back at the Philanthropy Journey for the Nation's Change

.Perjalanan menuju perubahan yang penuh semangat, inspiratif, dan bermakna. Sejak awal berdiri, filantropi sebagai lembaga nirlaba dan mandiri telah mengukir beragam cerita kemanusiaan untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik. Ide sederhana untuk membantu sesama menjadi sebuah gerakan global berdampak besar bagi perkembangan perubahan, keadilan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan bagi semua.

The Journey of the Indonesian Philanthropy Association.

Filantropi Indonesia is not a fund distributor or grant giver, but we promote the creation of an environment that supports the development of the philanthropy sector in Indonesia.

The Idea Behind the Establishment of Filantropi Indonesia


That respecting, loving, and helping others has been an inherent instinct of every human being as a social creature. All religions advocate this principle. From the cultural wealth of various ethnic groups and communities in Indonesia, we also learn that social generosity or philanthropy has long been a binding element that maintains the unity and harmony of a community.


That part of Indonesian society has achieved remarkable economic progress. However, on the other hand, social and economic disparities between individuals and communities continue to grow.


That the bleak portrait of social and environmental issues in Indonesia today requires philanthropy as a potential within humanity, and specifically within the Indonesian nation, to be transformed into something more meaningful.


That efforts to develop the potential of philanthropy for sustainable development in Indonesia cannot be carried out by individuals alone, or by just one or two groups or organizations. The challenges are too great, and there is a lack of supporting institutional infrastructure and policies. All of this calls for effective and directed efforts from various actors and supporters of philanthropy in Indonesia to gather, unite, and strengthen the collective movement of civil society in facing the challenges of social, humanitarian, and environmental development in the country.