Protection and Social Security for Volunteers COVID-19, Who Responsibilities?
COVID-19 has been a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, it simply changes the lives of social interactions among individuals. The transmission was so fast that some countries decided to procurement physical distancing until the lockdown region was applied. In Indonesia itself, according to the official website as of 11 May 2020, the number of cases confirmed COVID-19 positive as many as 14,032 people and the graphics are still growing.
However, behind this COVID-19 pandemic, it has moved thousands of volunteers to plunge and engage in helping tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. Volunteers who either work in the field of media or non-medical, as an achievement of the humanitarian mission, voluntarily move amid the threat of exposure to the COVID-19 that could lead to death. Ironically, most volunteers have not yet gained protection and social security if they experience accidents or death in carrying out tasks.
How should the protection of volunteers COVID-19? Who is responsible for protecting them? Is there a solution to protecting them?
All review questions can be found in the online public discussion: “Protection and Social Security for Volunteer COVID-19, Who Responsibilities?”. This discussion is a result of good cooperation from The Association of Indonesia Philanthropy (FI), Forum Zakat, BAZNAS, Indorelawan, Humanitarian Forum Indonesia (HFI), Alumni SMA Jakarta Bersatu (ASJB), Indonesian Red Cross, Sekolah Relawan and Pujiono Centre.
🗓️ Tuesday, 12 May 2020
⏰ 10.00-12.00 PM
LIVE via Zoom App
Registration of participants of discussion can be accessed through
Let’s make awareness of the protection and social security for volunteers as an important part of humanitarian activities.
Do not forget to refer your friends and colleague, philanthropist!