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Indonesia Philanthropy Annual Report 2022

Publication Date : 04 February 2023

Source : Indonesian Philanthropy Association

Document Type : E-Book

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Focusing on strengthening the role of the Indonesia Philanthropy Association in line with its 2021–2024 Strategic Plan, The Philanthropy Hub has fostered co-creation and collective action among members, partners, and thought leaders. The Philanthropy Hub serves as a platform to enhance the philanthropy ecosystem, enabling members and stakeholders to optimize their philanthropic initiatives to support the achievement of the SDGs and climate change agendas in Indonesia.

Various initiatives aligned with the four pillars have been undertaken, including:

  • Pilar Philanthropy Learning CenterReactivating each Philanthropy Cluster through 19 collaborative activities. Supporting the capacity development of PFI members through three training forums. Promoting an accountable philanthropy ecosystem through 14 public forums. Facilitating discussions between philanthropists and credible thought leaders through nine forums and one festival focused on multi-stakeholder collaborative action and the transformation of philanthropic actors to achieve the SDGs and climate change agendas in Indonesia.
  • Pilar Research, Publication, & Policy Center; published 11 publication↗ to develop standards, identify perspectives, and analyze case studies, trends, and data related to Indonesia's philanthropy sector.
  • Pilar SDGs Collaboration Center; Driving three co-creation initiatives, partnerships, synergies, and network expansion to support the SDGs.
  • Pilar Campaign & Communication Center; Organizing two discussion series to strengthen key elements and other promotions supporting an accountable philanthropy ecosystem in Indonesia.

In addition, collaborations with local partners and regional governments have continued through initiatives such as providing vaccination access for vulnerable groups and Indigenous communities. Activities included socialization and acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination programs, education on Clean and Healthy Living Behaviors
(PHBS), distribution of hygiene kit , and dissemination of KIE (Communication, Information, and Education) materials.

We have also refreshed the Code of Ethics for Indonesian Philanthropy, which can be accessed through this link↗

Other Repository

Filantropi Indonesia Annual Report 2023
Indonesia Philanthropy Program Report 2021
SDGs Handbook in Indonesia
Integrated Report 2020: Supporting the Achievement of SDGs Amid of the COVID-19 Pandemic