Optimization of early childhood growth and development is highly dependent on parents/caregivers around the child because early childhood has not been able to demand or find what they need to grow and develop. To meet nutritional needs, gold guidelines globally related to infant and child feeding (IYCF), which consist of the Early Breastfeeding Initiative, Exclusive Breastfeeding, ‘MP-ASI’ after the baby is 6 months old, and Breastfeeding until the age of 2 years. Whereas in the aspect of opportunities for early childhood learning and responsive parenting are also greatly influenced by the provision of developmental stimulation, especially in the cognitive, motoric, language, and social-emotional aspects. Early childhood health is greatly influenced by the availability of healthy sanitation in the family environment, for example, ensuring that the family has a latrine or access to clean water. The availability of excellent or proper sanitation, supported by clean and healthy living habits, will prevent children from getting various recurrent diseases that can hinder children’s growth and development.
The breadth and variety of situations in society and early childhood in Indonesia also always require various collaborations to respond to various challenges in optimizing the growth and development of early childhood. Therefore, the Indonesian Philanthropy Association collaborated with the Education Philanthropy Cluster, the Food Security & Nutrition Philanthropy Cluster, and the Settlement & Urban Philanthropy Cluster to organize an interactive discussion through the Philanthropy Sharing Session with the title ‘Optimalisasi Periode Emas Anak Usia Dini melalui Pemenuhan Gizi, Sanitasi, dan Stimulasi Perkembangan’.