Capitalizing Blue Carbon in Mangrove Restoration Program
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- Create Date May 30, 2022
- Last Updated December 30, 2022
Capitalizing Blue Carbon in Mangrove Restoration Program
Mangrove restoration has a significant natural climate solution, as mangroves and other terrestrial and coastal ecosystems are essential. It sinks and is a natural tool for climate mitigation. Mangrove restoration is considered a win-win investment, providing mitigation and adaptation solutions to climate change while supporting other international pledges and agreements for the SDG Agenda 2030.
Blue carbon of mangroves opens up opportunities in capitalizing the carbon capture and storage to gain economic incentives and expediting countries with mangroves to achieve NDC targets for mitigation commitment to the Paris Agreement. Transformation of the business process from a traditional, grant-funded project to income generating a business type of restoration by capitalizing blue carbon is crucial to remove the barriers and time-limitations of conventional funding and allows the business to become self-sustainable, providing more stability and the opportunity to make a more significant impact for mangrove conservation and restoration.
In this policy brief, find more about the challenges, opportunities, and recommendations on how important to invest in Mangrove Restoration—published on September 2022.
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