March 10, 2021

The Urgency to Enforce Philanthropy Code of Ethics in the Digital Era

[PRESS RELEASE] Online discussion of various ethical issues and problems that occur in digital philanthropy and how to solve them with a shared philanthropic code of ethics

March 1, 2021

Towards a Better Association to Advance the Philanthropic Ecosystem in Indonesia

[EVENT NEWS] PFI has successfully held the General Meeting of Members (Rapat Umum Anggota) on 18 February 2021 which was attended by PFI members through online and offline platform

January 22, 2021

FI Launches Integrated Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Platform for Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

[PRESS RELEASE] FI in collaboration with GRI, together with its members and other philanthropic actors discussed the principles and technical issue of the sustainability reporting guideline and platform

The Portrait of Indonesians’ Donation Behaviour during the Pandemic
January 4, 2021

The Portrait of Indonesians’ Donation Behaviour during the Pandemic

[EVENT NEWS] Online discussion on trends and digital donation behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Philanthropy Learning Forum ‘Digital Philanthropy in Indonesia: Prospects and Challenges’

A look back of Filantropi Indonesia in 2020
December 21, 2020

A look back of Filantropi Indonesia in 2020

Check out the report and summary of activities by Filantropi Indonesia together with its partners and members throughout 2020.

Cleft Lip Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Is It Possible?
December 18, 2020

Cleft Lip Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Is It Possible?

[EVENT NEWS] Smile Train Indonesia in a Philanthropy Sharing Session shared about the importance of support for children with cleft lip or palate in the midst of a pandemic

Launching the Philanthropy for Health Cluster to Welcome National Health Day
November 23, 2020

Launching the Philanthropy for Health Cluster to Welcome National Health Day

[EVENT NEWS] Coinciding with the National Health Day, Filantropi Indonesia in collaboration with PKMK FK-KMK of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Tahija Foundation launched the Philanthropy for Health Cluster. This cluster was initiated to improve the quality of health programs that are supported, funded and managed by philanthropic institutions in Indonesia.

Building Houses, to Stimulate Economic Recovery for Low-Income Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic
November 23, 2020

Building Houses, to Stimulate Economic Recovery for Low-Income Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia collaborated with Kemitraan Habitat and Filantropi Indonesia to hold a webinar “Community-Based Housing Development as an Economic Driver during the COVID-19 Pandemic”