Call for Abstracts “Health Funding in the pandemic COVID-19: What is the role of Philanthropy?”
In 2020, the Indonesian government allocates as much as five percent of the state budget for the health budget. However, this health financing can not rely on a single source allocated from the state budget. The noble efforts carried out by philanthropists are expected to inspire all elements in society to donate funds, time, ideas, and energy. The meaning of philanthropy is generosity, a voluntary act for the common good. This principle of generosity took part when Indonesia was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in early March 2020.
The President of the Republic of Indonesia has declared the COVID-19 pandemic as a non-natural national disaster through Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020. With this, all disaster-related funding is borne by the government by making changes to the 2020 APBD through Presidential Regulation no. 54 of 2020. The Indonesian government has allocated Rp 405.1 trillion for handling COVID-19. Although the government has issued disaster funds from the APBN and APBD to fund the COVID-19 prevention and treatment program, this intervention is considered insufficient to respond in its entirety due to the relatively rigid and slow nature of the flow of funds.
Various non-governmental organizations have moved to collect COVID-19 response donations with various methods. Not only donations in the form of funds, but the community also donated goods such as personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of masks, handschoen, hazmat suits, eye protection, and other items. According to the COVID-19 Response Philanthropy page managed by the Indonesian Philanthropy Association (, the private sector’s contribution until the end of June 2020 has reached Rp 905 billion. The Indonesian people have made direct donations to implementing institutions (health service providers), as well as donations through various available platforms. Celebrities and celebrities also share the spirit of sharing by becoming a fundraiser and utilizing the donation platform.
With the spirit of gotong royong and increased solidarity in society during the COVID-19 pandemic, philanthropy has a big role to play in complementing the presence of government programs. Therefore, a question arises, “What is the role of philanthropy in health funding during the COVID-19 pandemic?“. In response to this, the Center for Health Policy and Management of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gajah Mada (PKMK FKKMK UGM) will hold Forum Nasional II Filantropi Kesehatan to elaborate partnerships during the pandemic. Beside, we invites you to share experiences in writing scientific abstracts, by choosing a theme including:
- Social health action
- Implementation of humanitarian funds for financial management of underprivileged patients
- Benefits raising donations (whether money, goods, ideas, time, or energy) during a pandemic
Selected scientific abstracts will be presented orally at Forum Nasional II Filantropi Kesehatan that will be held on 24-25 August 2021.
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