About Us

Filantropi Indonesia bridges kindness to create a sustainable social change impact

Filantropi Indonesia's presence focuses on advancing the philanthropy sector in Indonesia to achieve sustainable change and social justice

Perhimpunan filantropi Indonesia adalah lembaga yang berkomitmen untuk menciptakan perubahan positif di lingkungan sekitar. Melalui komitmen tersebut, kami menghadirkan berbagai kegiatan dan kolaborasi antar individu maupun organisasi/lembaga untuk memajukan filantropi dan mendukung keberlanjutan sosial, keseimbangan, serta perubahan yang signifikan bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan

Part of Us

Philanthropists leading sustainable development.

Individual Members, Organizations, and Companies
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Partners and Network Connection
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Regular Program Participants
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The creation of true solidarity among fellow citizens to achieve social justice and sustainable development.

To increase the quantity and quality of philanthropy in Indonesia as a means to strengthen the role of civil society in social, humanitarian, and environmental development by enhancing institutional infrastructure and expanding the space for philanthropy and the nonprofit sector.


Philanthropy provides access to resources for communities in need, enabling them to enhance their independence in meeting their life needs.


Every philanthropist values the diversity that exists in society: culture, religion and beliefs, ethnicity, perspectives, and more.

Gender Justice

Philanthropy takes into account the different needs and tendencies of gender and places them within the framework of equality.

Universal and Non-Partisan

Philanthropy does not discriminate based on the background of either the recipients or donors and is safeguarded to ensure it does not become a political tool for the interests of specific groups or ideologies.


The interests of the nation are placed above those of individuals and groups.

Transparent, Accountable, and Measurable

Make every effort so that every stage of the activity can be accounted for to the donor and the general public.


Involve relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries in all processes and stages of philanthropic activities.

Non Proselytizing

Do not make efforts to disseminate religion, belief, understanding and political ideology through the resources and philanthropic activities carried out.


Strive to ensure that the efforts they make or support do not lead to physical or psychological violence.

Preservation and Sustainability of Natural Resources

Strive to conserve natural resources, minimize impacts and prevent environmental damage in all philanthropic activities.

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Join Us to Discover Change in Kindness

Together, advancing philanthropy for sustainable change