Repository Details

Indonesian Philanthropy Code of Ethics (KEFI) and Ethics Council Guidelines

Publication Date : 09 March 2021

Source : Indonesian Philanthropy Association

Document Type : Guidelines

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In the last five years philanthropy has transformed from conventional to digital activities. The rapid development of philanthropy is also followed by the emergence of various problems, both in the aspects of raising, managing and utilizing social assistance. Some of the problems are related to law and policy, while others are related to ethics.

Responding to these problems, philanthropic organizations and activists are required to increase their capacity, professionalism and accountability. Philanthropic organizations and activists also need to be equipped with a Philanthropic Code of Ethics as a guide in carrying out their philanthropic activities.

This Philanthropy Code of Ethics document is the result of the formulation of the Philanthropy Ethical Standards Task Force mandated by the PFI General Meeting of Members (GMS) on February 19, 2019. The AGM mandated the formation of a task force to review and revise the Indonesian Philanthropy Code of Ethics that was approved at the 2017 PFI AGM. The review and revision is done to complete the code of ethics and adjust it to the context and development of philanthropy in Indonesia.

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