Oktober 9, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Corporate Philanthropy in Indonesia: Potential Development and Challenges

On Thursday, February 25, Philanthropy Indonesia Association or PFI held another Philanthropy Learning Forum (PLF) for the fourth time with the topic of corporate philanthropy. PFI worked together with Eka Tjipta Foundation as the host to make this event possible.

Oktober 9, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Family Foundation in Indonesia: Its Challenges and Development Opportunities to become a Modern Philanthropy Organization

The 3rd Philanthropy Learning Forum (PLF 3) with family foundation as the main topic was held at Henk R. Uno, SBM-ITB, Jakarta, on January 28, 2016.

Oktober 9, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Yayasan Keluarga: Tantangan dan Peluang Pengembangannya Menjadi Lembaga Filantropi Modern

Philanthropy Learning Forum ke-3 (PLF-3) dengan tema yayasan keluarga diselenggarakan bersama oleh PFI dan Mien R. Uno Foundation di Ruang Henk R. Uno, SBM-ITB, Jakarta pada tanggal 28 Januari 2016.

Oktober 9, 2016

[Event] Emerging Market Philanthropy Forum 2015

Negara-negara “emerging market” selama ini berkiblat pada model filantropi Anglo-Saxon yang telah lebih dulu menerapkan pelembagaan filantropi modern. Disadari bahwa model tersebut sering kali tidak tepat dengan kondisi di negara-negara yang sistem ekonomi dan politiknya masih berkembang.

Oktober 9, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] How Far Does Tax Incentive Foster Philanthropy in Indonesia?

A report called “Rules to Give by a Global Legal Environmental Index” published by Nexus, McDermott Will & Emery and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in 2014 concluded that tax deduction incentive for individual donors and corporations has been successful in increasing the philanthropy contribution significantly

Oktober 9, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Sejauh Mana Insentif Perpajakan Menyuburkan Filantropi Indonesia?

Laporan “Rules to Give by: a Global Legal Environmental Index” yang diterbitkan oleh Nexus, McDermott Will & Emery dan Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) tahun 2014 menyimpulkan bahwa insentif pengurangan pajak bagi para donatur perseorangan dan perusahaan berhasil meningkatkan pertumbuhan kontribusi filantropi secara signifikan

Oktober 8, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Philanthropy’s Unique Role to Reach the SDGs

SDG are a set of universal goals each with its own targets and indicators from the development agenda in global level, agreed on the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in New York, September 25, 2015.

Oktober 8, 2016

[Philanthropy Learning Forum] Peran Unik Filantropi untuk Pencapaian SDGs

SDGs merupakan seperangkat tujuan universal berikut target dan indikatornya dari agenda pembangunan di tingkat global yang disepakati pada pertemuan United Nation Sustainable Development Summit di New York Amerika Serikat, pada 25 September 2015.

Oktober 8, 2016

[Event] Pengurus PFI Gelar Rapat Pleno

Pengurus PFI mulai menggerakkan roda organisasi dengan menggelar rapat pleno pengurus. Rapat digelar pada 12 Agustus 2015 di kantor PFI di Jalan Gunung Sahari 6 No. 38, Jakarta Pusat. Rapat ini dihadairi oleh 9 orang anggota Badan Pengurus PFI.

Oktober 8, 2016

[Event] PFI Management holds Panel Meeting

PFI Management has started to move the organization by first holding a panel meeting. The meeting was held on 12 August 2015 at PFI office at Jl. Gunung Sahari 6 no. 28, Central Jakarta, attended by 9 members of PFI Board of Commissioner.